. Tolkien worked on the initial version of the Oxford Dictionary, which focused on words beginning with ‘W’ ranging from waggle to warlock. He said that he “gained more knowledge in those two years than in any other”; and some of the etymologies continued to perplex him for a long time, with him taking many pages of notes on ‘walrus’ for a lecture he gave at Leeds.

by | Feb 26, 2023 | Fun Facts, Knowledge Chops

.  Tolkien worked on the initial version of the Oxford Dictionary, which focused on words beginning with 'W' ranging from waggle to warlock. He said that he
Fun Fact: .

Tolkien worked on the initial version of the Oxford Dictionary, which focused on words beginning with ‘W’ ranging from waggle to warlock. He said that he “gained more knowledge in those two years than in any other”; and some of the etymologies continued to perplex him for a long time, with him taking many pages of notes on ‘walrus’ for a lecture he gave at Leeds.