The second officer of the Titanic (Charles Lightoller), who survived by swimming from the sinking ship to a capsized raft, later in life sailed his civilian craft to Dunkirk (France) and saved/evacuated about 130 people in WW2.

by | Jan 26, 2022 | Fun Facts, Knowledge Chops

 The second officer of the Titanic (Charles Lightoller), who survived by swimming from the sinking ship to a capsized raft, later in life sailed his civilian craft to Dunkirk (France) and saved/evacuated about 130 people in WW2.
The second officer of the Titanic (Charles Lightoller), who survived by swimming from the sinking ship to a capsized raft, later in life sailed his civilian craft to Dunkirk (France) and saved/evacuated about 130 people in WW2.