of the Cross Border Xpress at Tiajuana International Airport, a 390 foot bridge over the US-Mexico border where passengers can park on the American side, clear customs, cross the bridge, and board a plane that departs on the Mexican side all without ever leaving the same airport.

by | Oct 27, 2022 | Fun Facts, Knowledge Chops

of the Cross Border Xpress at Tiajuana International Airport, a 390 foot bridge over the US-Mexico border where passengers can park on the American side, clear customs, cross the bridge, and board a plane that departs on the Mexican side all without ever leaving the same airport.
Fun Fact: of the Cross Border Xpress at Tiajuana International Airport, a 390 foot bridge over the US-Mexico border where passengers can park on the American side, clear customs, cross the bridge, and board a plane that departs on the Mexican side all without ever leaving the same airport.