From Shurikens to Milk: The Surprising 1959 Cost of Living 🥛⚔️

by | Apr 30, 2023 | Cool Guides, Knowledge Chops

ninjas discussing 1959 cost of living, vintage cost of living data, financial comparison 1959 and today, historic price of everyday items.

Ever wondered how much life would cost if you were a ninja living in 1959? Here’s a little peek at the cost of living almost six decades ago! 🕰️

To keep things in perspective, the national average salary in 1959 was around $5,000, 📊 which is less than what you’d earn as a fledgling ninja today. A gallon of gasoline cost just 25 cents, but ninjas in full on stealth mode didn’t use cars much anyway. 🚗🚫

Milk was 49 cents a gallon, while a dozen eggs cost 53 cents – perfect for a ninja breakfast before a day of high-impact action! 🥛🍳

A loaf of bread was 20 cents, and a pound of ground pork was 30 cents, which could have made for a delicious shuriken sandwich! 🍞🐖💫

While the cost of living might seem low compared to today, don’t forget that those dollar bills carried a lot more purchasing power back then. 💵💪

So, does that make the ninjas of the past luckier than us? That’s a secret only a true Knowledge Ninja can unravel! 🤔⚔️📚

Find out more surprising facts and figures by checking out the full resolution image at and decide for yourself! 💥📈

[Full Size Image]

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